Our people

John Henry

John Henry

Rūnaka Director

John joined the project as a Director in 2021. Previously, he was the Chair of Te Rūnanga o Arowhenua, a role he held for over 10 years.

Born and bred in Temuka, he left his papa kāinga to train as a carpenter in Christchurch through the Te Kaihanga Māori trade training programme. Returning home to Temuka one of his first builds was his family home where he still lives with whānau today.

Then came a career in a leather tannery, where he worked for 25 years. He then set up a Cleaning Services Company, which is still in operation.

Much of his time is spent working on behalf of the people of Arowhenua, Waihao and Moeraki. John believes passionately in looking after the whenua and awa and wants to re-establish traditional mahika kai rights to gather resources in Te Manahuna.

He says in the old days manawhenua knew where resources were, but as the environment changed so did their way of life. John sees the project as a way in which the rangatahi can be part of this landscape again and he is keen to enhance manawhenua’s footprint in Te Manahuna.

John has many other roles including as the Ngāi Tahu Representative for Central South Island Fish and Game, the Chair of Mataitai Arowhenua Committee, a Cultural Consultant with AEC Ltd, and a representative on the Opuha Flow Release Advisory Group.


Our board

Dr Jan Wright
Devon McLean
John Henry
John Henry
Rūnaka Director
Julia Mackenzie
Julia Mackenzie
Jo McPherson
Department of Conservation senior liaison officer
James Holborow
James Holborow
LINZ representative
Rynee de Garnham
Rynee de Garnham
Rūnaka observer
Stephen Phillipson
NZ Defence Force representative
Peter Scott
Environment Canterbury observer