Our people

Arran Robinson

Team leader

Arran is no stranger to working on landscape scale conservation projects, coming to the project after over two years as part of the Predator Free South Westland team.

He brings with him a passion for science and a wealth of knowledge after completing a Masters in Ecology and Environmental Science at Canterbury University. His masters focused on animal sex ratios, and in particular the impact a skew to either male or females had when reintroducing animals to an environment.

Working at such a huge scale to protect forests and ecosystems is something Arran’s really motivated about. A keen skier, Arran’s excited about his new proximity to the mountains and the learnings that will come with his new role. He loves working with a close-knit team and he’ll bring some new skills through his juggling skills, magic tricks and ability to make a mean sourdough loaf.

Our board

Dr Jan Wright
Devon McLean
John Henry
John Henry
Rūnaka Director
Julia Mackenzie
Julia Mackenzie
Jo McPherson
Department of Conservation senior liaison officer
James Holborow
James Holborow
LINZ representative
Rynee de Garnham
Rynee de Garnham
Rūnaka observer
Stephen Phillipson
NZ Defence Force representative
Peter Scott
Environment Canterbury observer